Friday, September 17, 2004

looking for love in all the wrong places...

speaking as one who did this all my life... i never found it... in any of the wrong places. so many of us are consumed with the need to fill our lives with a significant other not realizing that the only one that can completely fill us is God. i have friends that are hurting in their loneliness because they haven't discovered that God is who they need. they may know it in their head but aren't accepting, believing, feeling it in their hearts. i have friends that get in relationships because they feel they need that relationship to be whole, complete or just to keep them from their loneliness. my heart aches for them because they haven't discovered that their heavenly Father wants to and can fill that emptiness. He's the only one that can. this doesn't mean that we won't want to fall in love and be married... it means that we won't depend on another for our joy if we are getting it from the source of all love and joy, God. it also means that maybe we won't fall apart as much if we are dependent on God to complete us, if that person that we have basically given control of lives to for our love and joy leaves us. don't settle for anything less than the best... God won't let you down... we might but He won't... we might leave you... He never will... we can't love you enough but He loves you so intensely, so completely, so intimately, if only you will let Him. no one else can fill that role that only He can fill so completely. in our obsessive search for a mate we are living a life of loneliness, we are missing out on the joy of the perfect Love... so many lonely, broken hearts... if only they knew... if only they believed... Father help us to believe.

1 comment:

Erin said...

So needed this reminder today... thank you!!!

Father, make this head knowledge into heart knowledge...