Friday, May 12, 2006

it's more than a job interview

after deciding what to wear and ironing a pair of black pants i ended up wearing a plum pant suit with a yellow sleeveless top. and brown shoes, the only pair i own.

the interview is at 10:30 and i'm ready to go at 10:00. with time on my hands i decide to moisturize my feet and discover that the hem is down on one pant leg. panic! i don't own a needle and thread and started dumping cases of cosmetics and jewelry looking for safety pins.

heading out the door at 10:17 estimating it's going to take me 10 minutes to get to the interview. by the 4th red light i decided to stop sweating it and just accept that every one of the 9 lights were all going to be red and i might just be late.

reading waking the dead. we are in a battle for our very lives and we need to put on the full armour of God each and every single morning. our freedom, our life, depends on it. we accept this and that, all the messages played in our heads, that we are unworthy, or unloved, or useless, or whatever. however we've been wounded there are messages we've replayed over and over again, just accepting them as truth. God doesn't mess with our heads. the enemy does that.

ephesians 6:10-20 in Jesus' name take authority over the enemy, claim the victory. but do it daily. before i got out of bed this morning i claimed the victory, i told satan to go to hell. i could feel the power of the Holy Spirit. i felt empowered that i could do almost anything.

but that's never the end of it. however satan does it he and his minions are going to mess with our heads wreaking havoc wherever and whenever. we have to choose not to buy into all the crap.

if i hadn't decided to moisturize my feet i would never have noticed the hem was down on one pant leg. and usually i moisturize before i put my clothes on. i thank God that i did things in reverse order today.

i don't think people recognize God in things. we say He is. we know He is. but do we recognize Him? so if they don't recognize God how can they recognize the enemy.

so i wonder
- why did i decide to change clothes after ironing something else?
- why did i decide to moisturize after getting dressed instead of before?
- why did i hit all red lights (except one)
was God testing me? or was satan trying to thwart my attempt to get a job?

don't know if i got the job or not. but i have peace about it. and for as much as i would have had stress before about going for a job interview i was surprised that i had a great sleep and wasn't stressed at all.

and i know who to thank for that. peace does not come from the enemy.

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