Saturday, May 19, 2007


Prostitution Definition Prostitution is the sale of sexual services for money. Many trafficked girls and women start out in cheap brothels where they are broken in through a process of rapes and beatings. This process is called "seasoning." 2million girls between ages 5 and 15 are introduced into the commercial sex market each year. 89% of prostitutes want to escape. 60 to 75% have been raped. At least 200,000 women and children work in prostitution in Thailand. 1/3 of the women are under the age of 18, and girls as young as five-six years old work in prostitution. "I found myself dancing at a club at the age of 11...I have had different kinds of customers, foreigners and Filipinos. I tried suicide, but it didn't work so I turned to drugs. I want to die before my next birthday." One time, a doctor counted 35 men using a girl in one hour. When the police raided the brothel, they found dozens of empty boxes of condoms, each box having held a thousand condoms.

God is a righteous judge. Psalm 7:11
Pray: That God would reveal that sexual intimacy is a reflection of his blessings and not a commodity to be bought or sold. That God would destroy this exploitation and degradation of women. For businesses that create alternative incomes for prostitutes.

Act: Form a group of people (or from your church group), go and present a rose to the prostitues you meet in your city. Write our government to ask what we are doing about sexual exploitation at home and abroad.

1 comment:

Sue said...

'Now the great thing is this: we are consecrated and dedicated to God in order that we may thereafter think, speak, meditate, and do, nothing except to his glory. For a sacred thing may not be applied to profane uses without marked injury to him.'

-- John Calvin