Saturday, December 01, 2007

World Aid's Day

There is no medical cure for HIV/AIDS. There is hope for those affected. This pandemic not only devastates human lives, it leaves broken hearts in despair and without hope. On this World AIDS Day, I call on churches and Christians around the world to pray for those suffering from this terrible disease and to ask God for His intervening, healing hand. My personal prayer is that each individual affected by HIV/AIDS will sense God’s love and come to know—in a personal way—the Creator and Savior of their souls, Jesus Christ.

Franklin Graham President and Chief Executive Officer Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

A Guide For Prayer: World AIDS Day Thank you for praying with us for the estimated 33 million people around the world who suffer from the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Pray for the thousands of young people who become orphans each day because they lose parents to AIDS. Pray that God will provide for these children and comfort them.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will intercede for those who suffer, that they might experience God's healing hand and find real hope in His love.

Pray for families who face emotional and financial difficulties because of this potentially costly disease.

Pray that the love of Jesus Christ will shine through doctors,missionaries, workers, and volunteers worldwide as they labor to comfort and care for the millions who suffer from HIV/AIDS.

Pray for HIV/AIDS education to increase throughout the world so that people will know how to protect themselves, prevent the spread of this deadly virus, and make wise choices that honor God.

Pray that God will give people the courage to speak up and take action in ways that will change the path of this pandemic.

Praying for Regions of the World

Pray for Africa—the continent that has suffered the most from the effects of HIV/AIDS. Pray that wars will cease and economic instability will be solved in African countries so that the spread of HIV/AIDS will lessen and people will have access to decent nutrition and medical care.

Pray for Asia, where Franklin Graham will be visiting November 29-December 2, 2007 for the Hong Kong Franklin Graham Festival. AIDS is a relatively new struggle for Asian countries, but it is a real threat. Pray that God will bless Asia, bringing citizens to salvation, unity, and understanding.

Pray for Europe, the Caribbean, North America, and Latin America, as well as other areas of the world where people endure the consequences of the AIDS crisis.

1 comment:

Peter Davidson said...

Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. (2 Peter 3:18)

Come and see!

God bless.