Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Bible says that the Messiah already came 2000 years ago and that when we die, those who believe in him will go to heaven as discussed, while those who deny him will go to hell, a place of unspeakable, eternal torment (Luke 16:19-31).

One day a grave will have your name on it. On that day, which could be decades or even hours away, where will your soul end up?

If you feel tempted to insist that the Bible is wrong and that there is no heaven or hell, consider this. You wouldn't critique a movie without having watched it, right? Have you ever read the Bible for yourself? I'm not talking about hearing things about the Bible or watching people give their opinions about the Bible. Have you ever watched the movie for yourself?

If not, isn't the destiny of your soul too important to be outsourced to anyone? Why not watch the movie for yourself before passing an opinion that could affect the rest of your eternity? If the whole Bible seems daunting, just read or study in-depth the Gospel of John, which is only 18 letter-sized pages long.

But before doing anything, pray to a God you don't believe in. That's right. Tell him you neither believe nor particularly want to believe in him. But you do want to know the truth - whatever that may be - and if he really does exist and needs to help you on this one, that he will.

the above taken from

1 comment:

GraceHead said...


at the risk of sounding nit-picky...

Hell (as an eternal dwelling of the damned) is a teaching, like purgatory, that has no basis in scripture. It is a tradition that has become orthodox, but scripture as in most cases runs contrary to traditional viewpoints.
Consider John 3:16 ... "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that as many as believe in Him may not PERISH but have Eternal Life."

Life is a gift ... we are not owed life, but we each have it for a time. But it is inherently TEMPORARY ... having a beginning and an end. The doctrine of hell depicts no end ... no "PERISHING" ... but continued and unending conscious torment.

In reality, to accept the very Life of God is to be made alive by His life ... a Life that is unending and unbeginning .. .ETERNAL. To reject that Life is to remain temporal ... having no Eternal destiny.

To perish is to be UNFORMED to nothing .. and those that receive the second death to be made "no more" will have no thoughts to realize they have received it or not. Thoughts perish with those perishing

The serpent said: "You shall surely not die." ... and the church has been repeating the refrain, even when such teaching goes against the most popular verse ... John 3:16. Has not God said: "The soul that sins will die."??? Exact opposite of the serpent and the popular church dogma about hell.

Perish means perish.

Consider this:
1/14/06 - From God the Father
...Shall I, even I, torment My beloved, they who are tormented continually by he who is, and has, torment in his vesture? Satan is the tormentor. ... Become, again, a child of God, and learn to walk uprightly, leading others into love, by love, not fear.MORE of this letter about unbiblical "hell" HERE

18 reasons why in a single verse

Theological Myth - Unending conscious torture