Sunday, June 09, 2013

Rambling thoughts

I started this blog in 2004 when I was going to live in Costa Rica. God had called me to quit my 26 year job, sell the new house I had built and move to CR. A friend said it would be a great way to see what I was doing. Now with facebook I mostly post my thoughts on there. But if you can read my posts it's because I've friended you and some of my thoughts I can't post because they would be hurtful to some people I love and I don't want to hurt those I love. So this morning at church when the speaker was telling us about her blog I thought about resurrecting my blog so I could post my thoughts anonymously. I'm not a writer, never felt anything I had to say was important to anyone, so here I can pour my heart out if I so desire without caring if someone tells me what I say isn't important. If anything I say touches your heart I'm glad. If it moves you to be a better person I'm really glad. I might ramble a bit or a lot. Living alone I don't always have someone to share my thoughts with so I will share them on here. Sometimes I feel I'm supposed to share my thoughts but because I think they would hurt someone I don't, at least not on facebook so I will be sharing them here.

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