Monday, January 23, 2006

disposable income

talking to a friend about this recently, before i bought the apartment, and i thought wow what is that. will i really have some???

was going to rent an apartment - $750 / month

wanted to buy a sweet little mobile home in mission - spend all my money on the purchase then still pay $425 pad rental + heat.

thought about buying a mobile home out in deroche - spend all my money on the purchase, plus some, then still pay $325 pad rental + heat + huge amounts on gas back and forth.

bought a cute little apartment in abby where i can walk to almost anything or take the bus (definitely used to that) and my mortgage + a smaller maintenance fee (includes heat) will be way less than renting; equal to or less than buying either mobile home and it is mine and won't lose the value like a mobile home will.

will i have disposable income? nah but never had before so i won't be missing something i never had. but maybe after i get a job???

and the apartments that i looked at to buy in mission were $12k to $25 more than what i paid.

thank You Lord. and like a dear friend pointed out i have only been back 3 weeks. and the apartment is so bright, it is so me. i am so excited.

wow God is so very good to us.


Susan Kirchmayer said...

just an fyi - mobiles don't lose their value....

Sue said...

it really is a cute little place teri, be happy there.

Erin said...

Oh Teri... I'm so happy that you have a home of your own!! A place where you can worship your heart out! Have just caught up a bit on your last posts, and it's just so amazing to see how God is providing.

May your joy be full!!!