Monday, October 21, 2013

Two more promises - excitement is mounting

"Other times God directs us to sit still and wait." Referring to the promises of God, Beth Moore's bible study on David. It's almost 3 years since God told me to "be still" and "wait". The excitement is mounting since the number 3 is significant in the bible. I have two, as yet, unfulfilled promises that all I can do is pray as God told me and wait.

God's promises fulfilled and the role we play.

"Since the Lord wasn’t able", Numbers 14:16, spoke to me the other day. I have been telling people that Jesus healed me of cancer. Even though the oncologist says it's terminal and incurable I am trusting in the promise that God gave me February 26, 2012 and confirmed 3 days later on February 29, 2012 through someone else, and His word to me March 8, 2013 that I was healed. February 2013 the Holy Spirit led me to the Full Gospel Businessmen's luncheon where the speaker got my attention when during his testimony he was practically yelling at me that if I didn't eat healthy it would come back. And in case I didn't get it the first time he yelled it again. I knew that part of his message was directed at me but I haven't given it that much attention until a couple of days ago. I'm a chocoholic and I love sugar. I have tried to eat better since God warned me but have struggled with chocolate and sugar. God received glory when He brought the Israelites out of Egypt. In Numbers 14 when the Israelites rebelled against God and He threatened to destroy them Moses said that if God killed everyone the nations would say that God wasn't able to fulfill His promise. I wondered if I continued to eat copious amounts of sugar and chocolate would I nullify God's promise to heal me and the cancer would return? Was I treating God's gift of healing with contempt? Wanting God to be glorified in my healing would people then say God wasn't able to heal me. 2Samuel7:25,26 "fulfill the promise You made to Your servant so that Your name would be exalted forever." This spoke to me yesterday in my study of David. My hearts desire is to glorify God and exalt His name forever. Would God's name not be exalted if the cancer returned? And this morning, studying the life of David, Beth Moore says "When God assures us of a promise He desires we respond by assuming a posture of cooperation in the fulfillment of that promise." 3 days and 3 times God spoke to me. God gives us certain promises, general in His word and specific ones to individuals. God promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites but they had a role to play in the fulfillment of that promise. We too have a role to play in the fulfillment of God's promises. Praying that God will, through His Spirit living in me, enable me to resist chocolate and sugar.