Saturday, March 25, 2006

prayer request for guatemala

i should mention that it isn't just about donating money. however if you would like to support me you can send your cheque, payable to northview church, c/o 1909 dahl crescent, abbotsford v2s 4b3 and note in the subject line that it's for the guatemala team. all donations are tax deductible.

it's for prayer as well. i'm not an articulate speaker at all and i'm not an extrovert and i can't get two words out of my mouth without tripping over them. i would like prayer that God would give me wisdom and insight to know what to say, how to say it, to whom and when; that He would unconfuse the language for me; and that He would empower me and make me a bold witness for Him. that He would make the people we meet sensitive to hearing His word as we share His love with them.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

the trail to the beach

i love this picture. i love this country. it was about 1.5 kms from one side of the island to the other.

exile island?

maybe not but close enough. i was sort of exiled - i had to leave the country every 3 months or get deported never to return.

bringing home the groceries

ok it's not as easy as it looks when you have cans sitting on your head.


this is a picture of our front yard in costa rica when it flooded dec 2004. it was unbelieveable how fast the water came up. when it flooded the last time, 5 years before, a crocodile came out of the river and ate a chicken.

i'm just starting to get my photos organized.

prayer for giving

Today's Prayer
March 22, 2006
Dear God, Money in itself is not evil. So much good can be done through the proper use of money. I pray for wisdom and insight from You so that I will be a good steward of the financial resources which You have entrusted to my care. Please help me to invest in ministry, help other people, and think of my family as I endeavor to do Your will, with what You have provided. I know at times I don't have much and other times I have more, but whatever the amount is, may it be used to meet my needs, my family's needs, and the needs of the kingdom for financial support. Please help me to be wise and frugal, not foolish and materialistic. Please work through me, a vessel of honor for You, to minister in the world around me. Please multiply whatever I am able to give, like the fishes and loaves of bread, that it may multiply my personal and local church ministry to reach people for You, save souls, and exhort every member of the body of Christ. May You be blessed and glorified. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

from prime time with God

lawnmower for sale

heavy duty lawn mower, 4.5 hp briggs & stratton motor, 22" wide swath - used one month (like maybe 3 times) - $200

Monday, March 20, 2006

faithfulness vs infidelity

i loved reading the biography of jim elliot, one of the 5 americans missionaries that went to ecuador in the 50's. he was SO committed to God. he put God before himself and everyone else. when he did finally meet a woman he was interested in he continued to put God first, in everything; she came second. they had been corresponding / talking / dating for years (5 i think) before they finally BOTH agreed that God was now allowing them to come together as man and wife. in spite of being in love with elisabeth, he went to the jungles of ecuador without her because he loved God more and would be faithful to Him and the calling He had put on his life. his own personal desires were secondary. he wanted to marry elisabeth but he knew it wasn't God's will for him, at that time. he was faithful and obedient to God and was blessed for it. he knew incredible joy as he committed his life to God.

although he and the others were martyred as they and their wives fully expected they might be, they remained faithful to God. they lived to be in perfect relationship with God.

i think i will be single forever. i could only ever love a man like jim elliot, a man that was faithful to God and put Him first, in everything, before me.

infidel and infidelity

note the similarities.

infidel and infidelity describe a lot of christians - no principles; unfaithful - to God, spouse and self; disloyal; REJECTS GOD.

how is this happening in the church? among we who profess to be christians? both words are defined as having no religious beliefs.

how can we be so unfaithful and expect to have a relationship with God?
why is infidelity so prevalent in the christian church?
how can we promise faithfulness to God and each other when we say marriage vows then put ourselves before God and our spouse.

i've heard christians say they do not think of themselves as being 'religious' because that implies following an old set of rules which like the pharisees would make them hypocrites. they call themselves 'christians' which implies that they believe in God and in the truth of the bible. well forgive me for saying it but they sure as hell aren't showing or acting like it.

how can you profess to be a christian, to believe in God, yet live in contrast to what He teaches us.

if this is a christian - i don't want to be one.


Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse.

An act of sexual unfaithfulness.

Lack of fidelity or loyalty.

Lack of religious belief.


An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.

One who has no religious beliefs.

One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


i am planning to go on a missions trip to guatemala april 6th to supply a small village with clean, safe drinking water. they were in the path of hurricane stan last year and their water is so contaminated they are getting sick and have sores on their bodies. as well the indigenous mayans in this village worship other gods and we want to share the gospel with them.

i have no money whatsoever and no job to pay for this trip but i believe that God wants me to go.

i prayed asking that God would reveal His will. then i had a dream but i never paid any attention to it. i was waiting to hear His voice loud and clear. as i didn't believe He had answered me i prayed again. i had a second identical dream which i then understood to be His affirmation that i was going.

last night the leader phoned to say that they were buying the tickets today and as someone else had cancelled out they wanted to confirm that i was still planning on going. what could i say. it is on my heart to go, i believe God is calling me to it, but i have absolutely not a dime for it. i prayed about it, again asking God for confirmation of His will. woke up at 5am with no answer. prayed again and had another dream that someone gave the leader $500 for me.

the leader asked if i had approached my church for funding or an opportunity to speak at a service to promote it. i hadn't because there were teams already fundraising for trips to thailand and mexico.

i had applied for a job, which turned out to be vacation relief for my old job. after 26 years i thought i should qualify for it. weeks later, when the job had still not been awarded, i thought if i had a job i might be trusting in that, in myself and in my own ability to pay if i did have a job.

instead i'm trusting in God, that if this is His will He will provide. i have nothing else, only Him, and yet He is all i need.

Monday, March 13, 2006

help... i've lost

my belongings. if you have a toaster, toaster oven, ice skates, black roller skates, coffee grinder, utensils, crock pot, tupperware, bowls, red toolbox with tools inside, towels, 2 square walt disney world glasses from mcdonald's, other stuff not listed here that you don't think are yours and you don't remember where they came from any chance they could be mine. i know there are other things not listed here that are mia but i can't for the life of me think of where they could be.

if you have seen any things like these could you let me know please so i can reclaim them.


woke up at 4:19 this am. i was tired and wondered why i had woken up but didn't feel i could go back to sleep. a friend had lent me a video about transformations. i had only watched the one on guatemala and decided since i couldn't sleep anyway i may as well watch the others.

transformations - the power of prayer against the powers of darkness and the resulting transformations. out of the blue as i felt i needed to pray both of my knees started to hurt. not to be discouraged i put my pillow on the floor and was led in the spirit to pray against the powers of darkness, for my family, my friends, my church and our community of believers.

it was pretty powerful. if we could all pray against the powers of darkness think of the victories we could have.

thank You Lord.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

today's devotional from prime time with God

Today's Prayer
March 12, 2006
Dear God, I pray today for parents who have broken hearts over their children who have substance abuse problems. God, help these parents know what to do, what to say, how to do and say it, what not to do or say--guide them through this most difficult thing. I pray for the children, whether young and at home or grown and out in the world, that You will work in their lives to draw them to You and to help them overcome these addictions. Give them willpower, strength, and support from the right people. Help them to see how their problems are affecting their loved ones as well as themselves. God, please intervene in this situation. Give comfort, where comfort is needed. Give boldness, where boldness is needed. Give mercy, where mercy is needed. Give strength, for it is certainly needed. I pray the blood of Jesus over these strongholds, that they will be broken and these children freed from the chains of addiction and whatever else is holding them down. I pray they will be free in Christ, and receive a fresh start. Bless them all. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Understanding the Source of Anger
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. - Proverbs 29:11

The workplace can be a pressure-packed world. The demands that are often put on us can bring out things that we never knew were there. Sometimes we begin to think that the source of that pressure is to blame for our response to the pressure. It could be an event, a spouse, a boss, a client, a child, or even a driver who cuts us off in traffic.

I recall responding to a close friend one time, "If you had not done that, I would never have responded that way." Later I learned that this response had little truth to it. We all choose to get angry. No one else is to blame for our anger.

"The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am" [Dr. Sam Peeples].

This simple quote has had a profound impact on how I view my anger now. Anger only reveals what is inside of me. I can't blame anyone but me for my response to a situation. I have learned that anger is only the symptom of something else that is going on inside of me. This quote now resides on my refrigerator door as a daily reminder of the truth about my response to life's situations.

It has been said that anger is like the warning panel on the dash of your car. It is the light that tells us something is going on under the hood and we need to find out what is the source of the problem. I discovered that the source of anger is often unmet expectations or personal rights. We believe we are entitled to a particular outcome to a situation. When this doesn't happen, it triggers something in us. At the core of this is fear, often a fear of failure or rejection, fear of what others think, fear of the unknown.

If you struggle with anger, ask God to reveal the source of that anger. Ask Him to heal you of any fears that may be the root of your anger. Ask God to help you take responsibility for your response to difficult situations.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

back to the heart of worship

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And its all about You
All about You, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
When its all about You
It's all about You

it's really all just about Him


sometimes what we strongly desire is not good for us in the long run.

boy don't i know that.

5 missionaries in ecuador...

martyred in 1956 - when asked why they would refuse to use their guns to save their lives said "they're not ready for heaven and we are"

wow! they loved Jesus so much they were willing to die so that the indigenous tribe of lost people might live and be saved...

amazing love.

if Jesus is Lord...

why are we so anxious about the details of our lives? why do we worry so much about our finances or relationships? Jesus offers the antidote to our anxieties: Himself.

God is God

if He is God He is worthy of my worship and my service. i will find rest nowhere but in His will...

(e. elliot - through gates of splendor)

amazing grace

that saved a wretch like me.


how many of us compromise our integrity. we know the principles God wants us to live by, yet we see something that we want and we go for it. nothing else matters. including God. we go for what we want. and we leave Him out of it.

what happens when we leave God out of our lives. i am reminded of how we told God to stay out of the schools and being the gentleman He is He has. do we really want to continue to compromise our integrity and leave God out of our lives.

we hurt ourselves and so many others by our decisions yet we may not see the impact on our lives for years. how do we live with ourselves when we know that our actions are not in accordance with God's principles. we can't possibly have peace. my spirit is in such turmoil there is nothing i wouldn't do. every thing of this world is temporal. there is no choice, there is nothing and no one that is going to bring us the joy of a right relationship with God. we can't hide our sin from Him. if we give up everyone and everything to follow Christ He will give us joy beyond our imaginings. the love we've sought elsewhere we will find in Him.

did you have integrity? did you live for God? did you compromise your integrity? are you just happy now or are you joyful to be restored to a perfect relationship with God?

our worldly relationships that are not in accordance with God's principles are not worth having if it takes us away from God. nothing and no one is. do not let yourself be deceived by evil spirits, rebuke satan, and let your spirit commune with God's Holy Spirit. listen to His voice and do not be deceived by temptation.

30 hour famine

World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine, an annual event in which thousands of young people across Canada forego food for 30 hours to raise money and awareness for hunger and poverty.

Famine participant Jesse Samok, 16, says he knows some families in his community don’t have enough food because many children come to the school’s breakfast program. Jesse raised nearly $200 for the 30 Hour Famine, which included $120 of his earnings from his part-time job. “I feel sorry for those kids who don’t have food and water or any money,” he says.

That kind of generosity is typical of Inuit, who traditionally place a high value on sharing. Year after year, they top the statistics for charitable giving in Canada. “People in Chesterfield Inlet are so generous,” Ana says. “They’d rather give to someone who is less fortunate than keep what they have to themselves.”

so if you're not doing or supporting the famine - why aren't you?

for the full story go to:


in travelling throughout costa rica and nicaragua on mission trips for the past 5 years i saw a lot of poverty. each year after coming home to my house with just me in it i looked around at all my stuff and wondered why i had bought some of the things in the first place. each year it was harder and harder to come back to my house. i had too much. i wanted less - things. i wanted something more. i wanted to live there, not just to visit for 2 weeks each year. then God made it happen. i ended up living with a large family in a small village for 15 months last year. i lived in a dump of a house that was literally falling apart (we had a coral snake come through a hole in the floor in the bathroom) but it was filled with laughter and love. here we build bigger, fancier houses and may never run into each other, never talk to each other. before when i had asked why they fasted i was told simply, there is no food. we had potable water in our village although not everyone had water because they couldn't afford to pay for it. one cluster of 7 families had one shower between them. we had electricity, many didn't.

we take so much for granted and never give it another thought. clean, safe drinking water, enough food to eat, shelter from the storms. they have nothing and we have so much yet i wouldn't wish my 'riches' on them. here the more we have the more we want, we are never satisfied with what we have. we seclude ourselves inside from family and friends playing games on the computer. there they spend time with their families and friends. here we rush around greeting someone with hi how are you and never stop to hear the answer. there talking with each other is an important part of every day. we drive our cars to the store 2 blocks away. there people walk miles in the darkness to work 12 to 16 hours in the fields in the blaring sun or heavy rain every day for $1 an hour.

i visited schools and when asked what the greatest need was the principal said food, the children are hungry and there is no food and no money to buy it. i was going to the schools with the ministry of health to promote good nutrition. what an oxymoron. how do you promote good nutrition when there is no food? what do they eat after we've gone. there were teenagers in grades 1 because they had never had the opportunity to go to school before and kids not going to or quitting school because there was no money to pay for it.

one nicaraguan boy in our house had left his family and country at the age of 9 to come to costa rica in search of work in order to eat. he was, miraculously, reunited with his own family last year after a 12 year absence. can you imagine sending your young children to work in the fields in another country because you don't have enough food to feed them. before the sun was up i watched as young children, carrying their machetes, walked to the fields with their parents.

i have encouraged my grandchildren to watch the world vision programs so they can see how fortunate they are to have easy access to food, water, shelter, education, health care, to live in a country without fear of war.

why did i come back? God told me to. would i go back? if He sent me - absolutely - in a heartbeat.

i could say i can't afford to sponsor 3 kids but in all honesty - no i can't - i can't say that. i have so very much. they have so very little. i do not need to have more things. i do not need to change my lampshades because the colour doesn't match the walls or bedding. they need to have the very basics of survival.

girls nite out

tuesday i went to a 'girls nite out' event at northview. awesome testimony - so much so i have written the speaker to buy the cd hopefully to show at our ladies retreat. so much of it was like my life.

it was sponsored by world vision who at the end of the testimony passed around folders with pictures and information about children needing sponsorship. it was so awesome to see so many women at the world vision table afterwards to hopefully sponsor a child or get information to sponsor a child.

we can make a difference.

please go if you get the opportunity, you'll be glad you did.


when i came back from costa rica and went to church there was a new group playing worship and i didn't know the songs they were playing in english. i found a spanish church and started going there on sunday nights so i could worship God in spanish.

wanting more worship i started going to the early service at northview on saturday nights then club 365 afterwards.

5:00 saturday - northview
7:30 saturday - club 365
10:00 sunday - new heights
7:30 sunday - spanish church

it's wonderful - i love it.

we are so blessed to live in a country where we can worship freely, whenever, wherever we want.

soon what was once called street church will be coming back with a new name, the gathering. an opportunity for the street people of mission to get together in community and hear worship. for some the only opportunity they may have to hear worship music. and to come forward and ask for prayer in what may feel like the only safe place to do so.

thank You Lord that we are free to go to any number of venues to worship and praise You without being persecuted.