Thursday, November 18, 2004


is such an ugly word. last nite we watched bad boys ll. when the movie started jose asked me if liked black people. it sounded so strange. i had been here several weeks when i saw a man that was so dark brown he was almost black. it was then that i realized these were ''coloured'' people.

a few friendships have developed since we've been coming here and someone mentioned one day having beautiful brown babies.

it hadn't occurred to me that we were 'different'. i see the warmth in their eyes and their beautiful smiles.

i can't imagine having such an ugly heart as to see any one here or anywhere hate someone for the colour of their skin.

and yet it happens. even here. costa ricans don't like nicaraguans. why? they are the same colour, they speak the same language. they are poor.

as it turned out jose didn't ask if i liked black people. he asked if i would like a black man. it doesn't matter the colour of a person's skin. it's the colour of their heart. and as i say a white heart i mean because i think of white as pure. and as i say that that sounds like a racist remark.

i think of Jesus at the transfiguration when his clothes became white...

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