Monday, September 12, 2005


i've been feeling down lately and was crying last night. dany asked me why i was crying (they don't do that here - everyone is tranquilo) and he told me not to cry. he doesn't understand and as i don't understand my feelings myself how can i explain them to the family. i don't know if it's as a result of the full moon that's coming or what but it's like i don't have a friend here i can talk to. i talk to dany or jose but they're boys and don't talk or listen like girls. and mimi and i talk but it's so stilted cuz i don't understand everything. i've been feeling very emotional lately and don't know why. i hope it's just the moon coming full and will pass soon. after talking to God on the way here on the bus i feel a little better. but He's like having a best friend that doesn't talk back with you. although He does give me the peace no one else could.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I pray that you feel Him holding you close, and I pray for companionship that enhances your walk with Him. amen.