Monday, September 12, 2005


This is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME and send it back to
ME. But first send a blank one out to all your friends, including
me, so we can return the favor to you. Be honest -- they're really
SCARY to get back. It only takes a few minutes, so just do it!!!!
1st: Send (forward) this Survey to everyone you know to see how
well he or she knows you.
2nd:(reply) Fill this survey out about the person who sent it to
you and send it back to them.

Your name:

Where did we meet:

Take a stab at my middle name:

Do I believe in God:

How long have you known me:

Do I smoke:

What was your first impression of me upon meeting:

Color of my eyes:

Do I have any siblings:

What's one of my favorite things to do:

Do you remember one of the first things I said to you:

What's my favorite type of music:

What is the best feature about me:

Am I shy or outgoing:

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules:

What's your favorite memory of me:

Any special talents:

Would you consider me a friend:

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be:

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one
thing would I bring?

a friend emailed me this and i sent it out to a few friends. it was fun to get the replies back so thought i'd share it with you.

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