Friday, May 06, 2005

who's in charge

people seem to be forgetting that God is the one that's in charge.
what we need to remember is that nothing can happen to any one of us that God does not allow. whatever our circumstances are God is the one in control. if we are going through a tough time He knows. i can't explain why bad things happen to good people except that God must have a good reason for it. He is perfect, His will is perfect and His timing is perfect. circumstances may not be what we would choose for ourselves or our friends or family but God really does work things out for good for those who love Him. we may not understand it and we may not like it but we have to trust that He loves us more than we could possibly imagine and He knows what we need more than we know ourselves.

instead of complaining about our lives or those of us around us remember that God is fully aware of everything and that He has the final say. if He is allowing hardship in your life you might want to ask why. is He trying to get your attention for something? if you don't like what's happening in yours or a friend's life remember - you're not the one in control. give it up. you don't have it anyway.

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Anonymous said...

