Saturday, February 11, 2006

Four places I have been:
1. Costa Rica
2. Nicaragua
3. Panama
4. Mexico

Four places I would like to go:
1. middle east
2. Africa
3. the Amazon
4. anywhere in central america

Four jobs I have done;
1. secreatary
2. receptionist
3. dispatcher
4. hairdressers assistant

four places i've lived:
1. costa rica
2. vancouver
3. new westminster
4. burnaby

four things i like to do:
1. worship
2. travel
3. dance
4. read

Four things I detest;
1. hedonism
2. materialism
3. lewd music videos
4. pornography

Four things I love:
1. worship
2. sunshine
3. plants
4. puppies

Four foods I love;
1. chocolate
2. coffee
3. avocados
4. black beans

Four people I would like to meet;
1. Jesus
2. my dad
3. peter
4. sponsored kids

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