Friday, February 23, 2007

Jerusalem Prayer Team

Mike Evans' Iraq Journal, Part III

My first meeting today at 9:00 AM was in the State House with the Minister of State, Karim Sinjari. I had two more high-level intelligence meetings with Iraqi diplomatic leaders. I cannot attribute a quote from them for security reasons. I do not want an Iranian agent to put a bullet in their heads.

Karim is a very humble man; we sip tea as he tells me the story of two attempts to kill him by terrorists and a third by Saddam who poisoned him; he almost died. He repeated a story I had been told earlier:

“Saddam disappeared 191,000 men between the ages of ten and sixty years so the women could not remarry. They would have no proof that their husbands were dead.”
Saddam used the Koran to back his claim that he had permission to kill the enemy and confiscate everything they owned. He secured a fatwah, a legal decree from an Imam to give the legal, theocratic right to wipe out the Kurds.

I was told that Iranian agents by the tens of thousands are everywhere in Iraq, and that Iranian proxies number in the hundreds of thousands. I can honestly say I really don’t like that, knowing I speak out strongly against Iran on network shows, and that I wrote Showdown with Nuclear Iran. I feel a bit like a canary in a mine shaft. I am so thankful for my faith; it strengthens me in the darkness.

Karim told me that the biggest problem they have is the influx of Iranian agents into the whole of Iraq. Iran is working with Syria, a Sunni state, to kill Iraqis and with the Shiites to pit one group against the other.

According to Karim, Paul Bremer (head of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq) opened the borders, forcing the removal of all security check points in Iraq. Bremer was warned that this would create terror, but he wanted to show the world he was tolerant of everyone. Iran is now running one of the biggest employment services in all of Iraq. For a few dollars, they put unemployed Iraqis on the terror payroll. It is also one of the biggest intelligence agencies operating through the Iraqi government. It makes no difference if you wear a police or military uniform; the vetting process does not work, and the fruit is that secrets are being shared with Iran which now is aware of every move.

Said Karim, “Your army is in a holy war with global jihadis worldwide. Thousands of Iraqi fanatics lived in Iran and returned home as agents with the full support of Iran. Remember, the Iranian revolution was planned in Najaf by Ayatollah Khomeini. Najaf knows well how to plan Islamic revolutions. The only reason they are not attacking you in America is because you invited them to attack you in Iraq.”

Al-Maliki says the U.S. should not use Iraq for a confrontation with Iran. This is another sick joke. Al-Qaeda has between 4000 and 5000 terrorists in Iraq. If we leave, the danger will be a thousand times greater, but in the U.S., not in Iraq. The terrorists will take the battle to the streets of America. The only restraining factor is the U.S. troops. We keep the terrorists occupied by fighting them in Iraq. I was told that if we leave Iraq, all of the Arab countries would run away from the experiment in democracy, and that the entire region would explode.

Karim further opined, “Saudi Arabia is so convinced that Iran is coming, they are building a 400-mile wall at the cost of $13 billion to keep them out. Saudi is panicking because 50 percent of their population is Shiite, and the oil region is in the Shiite area of Saudi. They know a nuclear Iran could mean their end. They pray that the U.S. or Israel will stop them.” I have been told that over 500,000 Shiite “missionaries” are gathered in Saudi Arabia with one goal...convert Sunnis.

We are taping the last segments of the prime-time special based on this book. Late today at the studios of the state television station, we were given classified footage never shown on U.S. television, or anywhere else. I saw images of Saddam’s flag being planted in each village after the gas canisters were dropped. At first, gas that stayed low to the ground was used. When the people fled to the mountains, canisters containing poison gas that rose in the air was dropped in order to kill those fleeing. Later, I was shown footage of Saddam’s death squads exterminating multitudes, including Islamic fascists beheading Americans. It was the most unspeakably horrific sight I have ever seen.

It was a shock to see the face of Ali Hassan Majid on Iraq television. He was standing trial for genocidal crimes against humanity. “I am not apologizing,” he said, “I did not make mistakes. I am the one who gave the orders to the Army to use WMDs against 100,000 Iraqi Kurds.”

We were cleared by the government to see and have access to the footage. Some of it will be incorporated into the television special, “The Final Move beyond Iraq.”

Dr. Tim LaHaye, Mrs. Anne Graham Lotz, Mr. Pat Boone, Mr. Bill McCartney, Ms. Kay Arthur, Rev. Tommy Tenney, Dr. A.R. Bernard, and Dr. Jay Sekulow are just a few of the more than 300 Christian Leaders who are part of the Jerusalem Prayer Team.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a non-profit organization with 501c3 tax exempt status. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a prayer movement of people around the world. It is a non-denominational organization. It receives no support from the Nation of Israel. Donations are tax deductible.

The mission of the Jerusalem Prayer Team: To guard, defend and protect the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael until Israel is secure, and until the Redeemer comes to Zion.

i hope it's soon.

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