Saturday, November 21, 2009

God is so amazing

God is so amazing and sometimes I can hardly believe how dense I am. November 11th I was sitting at the computer thinking I'm hungry, missing a friend, thinking of the times in my life when I feel lonely and I always turn to food. As I'm sitting there trying to think of what I'm hungry for, thinking that I've eaten so I don't need food but still craving something and thinking of what food I have yet knowing that none of it will satisfy me I finally cry and ask God why I always feel this way and turn to food when I feel lonely and the food doesn't satisfy me. God said "My Word satisfies" and instantly the hunger for food was gone, the loneliness was gone, I had peace and knew I wanted to / needed to read the Bible. God is so-o amazing. My soul, my craving was satisfied as soon as I started reading the Word.

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