Wednesday, December 08, 2004


apparently i need it or so i've been told. i was raised to respect my elders and ladies first and to give up my seat on the bus to old people, pregnant women and women with babies.

one time patricio said the pastor wanted cafe. i was tired and said 'he knows where it is' meffi and eitel cracked up. although they couldn't have known what i said they must have recognized the tone. sunday when the boys and i got home from the game we were hungry, thirsty and tired. i made coffee and marta, a family friend, said she would have cafe with the pastor. i told her that the cafe wasn't for the pastor - it was for the boys and me. that didn't go over well at all i guess cuz she said i needed discipline. if he had just walked 7 kms he would've got a cafe but he hadn't so he didn't. need took priority over position.

pastors are revered here by almost everybody but me. i really like him, i respect him but he is just a man. i respect that he is my spiritual leader, sort of (at least he would be if i could understand him).

1 comment:

Susy said...

they would always shake their finger at me and say "disiplina"... apparently I needed it too... hey maybe that's why me and alex usually clashed... i just wouldn't have any of the holier than tho pastor crap and i let him know where i stood with him (in a christian way) :-)