Friday, December 31, 2004

total God thing

i have been sick in bed for the last few days and yesterday there was a spider about 2 inches across on the wall between the wall and my bug net. certainly any other time i would've flown out of bed, screamed and called for one of the boys to kill it. i thought i could smash it with my sandal but then i'd have it's guts all over my bug net. i tapped the wall hoping it would move, nope. i used a pen to nudge it away hoping it would move. yup it moved, right onto my bug net. i realized what was happening, that i had total (well almost) peace about this big spider one foot away from me so i laid back down and prayed and thanked God. that was a definite first for me. it's almost unbelievable for me. i wouldn't have believed it possible a week ago. but then i believe in an unseen God that loves me very much and answers prayers.

i know i have a long way to go but thank you all so very much for your prayers.

never give up. maybe we don't pray for miracles but don't doubt that they happen. never stop believing. just tell God what you need (He knows already but He wants to hear from you). He wants to bless you. He may not give you what you want but He will always give you what you need.

believe me - me laying one foot away from a spider for me is a miracle.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Thanks for the great posts. They are both heartfelt and convicting. Keep it up sister!