Friday, May 05, 2006


sometimes the worst thing that happens to us can open the door for the best that God has to give us. (odb) boy don't i know that.

footprints - looking back over my life i can see so many times when God carried me. except for one they were all before i became a christian. years of my life being diagnosed with clinical depression. telling the doctor i couldn't have depression because my life was good for the most part. externally my circumstances were pretty good. i had a husband, a family, a home, a job, good health. how could someone have the supposed good life and not be content. after years of psychiatrists, who never helped, and anti-depressants, that always zoned me out, my 3rd husband called it quits. needless to say that was about the worst thing that happened to me. i had been in tailspins before but nothing compared to that. i couldn't work, eat, sleep - for months. God kept my heart beating and the air going in and out of my lungs.

after 8 years alone God gave me the best that He had to offer. Himself.

if you've been there you'll know how you'll say and do anything if God would only answer your prayers. and you'll be thankful for unanswered prayers.

God does answer our prayers, in His time, in His way and in all things for the good of those who love Him.

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