Saturday, May 06, 2006

playing by the rules

Proposed US immigration reforms prompt nationwide protests. ...would make it a felony to live in the United States without proper documentation and would force illegal immigrants to return to their home countries before applying for citizenship. It would criminalize anyone found to be assisting or employing an illegal immigrant and proposed building a fence along the United States’ southern border. ... it’s not fair because we have a system to get into the country. There are people who line up every day in front of the embassy in Mexico City, embassies in Africa, in Europe and around the world, to apply for visas or for permission to come to school here, and they’re playing by the rules.”

friends wanted to sponsor 2 of the boys from costa rica to come here for a few weeks. i have stood in line for hours trying to help them get passports and/or visas. just to come for a visit. jose, who had a good job, a letter from his employer, a letter saying he was being sponsored to come here, paid his money to get a visa, had his interview, waited expectantly to get his visa, direct to canada so as to save money from having to apply for a us visa required which is required just to stop in the us waiting to change planes to come to canada. he played by the rules only to be told that he was denied because he was not married and did not own property.

i was angry. why didn't the application forms say don't waste your money cuz if you're single and not a property owner the answer's no.

what are the rules? if you have enough money you can bend them or break them? and if you don't have any money, well that's just too bad?

sometimes playing by the rules is a joke.

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