Sunday, July 23, 2006

southeast asia - july 2006

Did you know that many peoples in Indonesia were once Hindus, later Buddhists, but today they are Muslim? Most peoples in this region of color and diversity are either Buddhist or Muslim. The gospel is making small inroads, but few people groups have embraced Jesus other than a couple of tribes in northern Thailand and Myanmar. We need to pray for the spiritual obstacles be removed.

Prayer Points

Expatriate and Indigenous Workers
God would thrust forth many more workers and provide creative means of access to the Least-Reached Peoples throughout Southeast Asia for the gospel.

Pray for God to show workers how to tell His story effectively and tell it accurately and for Him to confirm His Word with signs and wonders.

Pray for God to inspire many other new believers to share throughout their natural relational networks what Jesus has done and is doing in their lives.

Pray for many to come to faith.

Pray for believers to understand that where two or three gather in Jesus' Name, there He is in their midst; that they would focus on living fellowships to encourage one another to love and good deeds.

Contextual Evangelism
Pray that they also will remain involved in community activities and actively seek friendship with local leaders as indications of good citizenship.

Just as the believers were using songs and stories, pray for God to help believers creatively communicate the gospel and His Truth through familiar means with an eternal message of Hope and Salvation.

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