Monday, March 10, 2008


years ago i had asked God for a husband but for the past few years i have vacillated between wanting one and not wanting one. and God isn't going to give us something we're not even sure we want. i know i don't need a husband because God fills that place in my heart.

years ago i thought i was in love with a man that talked about God and the bible. i could listen to him for hours. it used to stir my senses listening to him. i have a friend that knows the bible very well and i realized yesterday that that turns me on. it opened my eyes to a new truth, one that i knew but had never really applied it to myself.

i have always looked at man's outward appearance but God looks at the heart. we each have a favourite 'thing' we look at in a person. i notice eyes and hands, some people notice smiles, others notice ears or noses.

when i lived in costa rica and invited the youth on saturday nights to come to church they would say they weren't dressed for it. i told them God didn't care what they looked like He just saw their hearts.

thinking about how this friend talks about God and the bible made me realize i don't really care about eyes or hands i just care about a person's heart for God and their relationship with Him. age difference never meant anything to me but a person usually has their stereotypical opposite in mind, ie tall, dark and handsome. but i have to admit listening to this friend talk about God and the bible really stirs my senses.

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