Saturday, March 25, 2006

prayer request for guatemala

i should mention that it isn't just about donating money. however if you would like to support me you can send your cheque, payable to northview church, c/o 1909 dahl crescent, abbotsford v2s 4b3 and note in the subject line that it's for the guatemala team. all donations are tax deductible.

it's for prayer as well. i'm not an articulate speaker at all and i'm not an extrovert and i can't get two words out of my mouth without tripping over them. i would like prayer that God would give me wisdom and insight to know what to say, how to say it, to whom and when; that He would unconfuse the language for me; and that He would empower me and make me a bold witness for Him. that He would make the people we meet sensitive to hearing His word as we share His love with them.

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