Tuesday, August 29, 2006

job interview

maybe the reason i stayed at the same job for so many years was that i was terrified of having to go through the job interview process.

last week i had a medical procedure done and i was so unbelievably calm and peaceful. the doctor told me all the things that could go wrong and i told him that i trusted in God. i wasn't afraid even though i had just told the doctor i was terrified of needles. there was no freezing and i could feel all the probing but i thought of my eyes, how they were gently closed and not clenched together. i thought of my heart, how it just kept beating, ever so softly and quietly. there was no panic, no fear and unbelievably no pain. it was so totally a God thing.

i applied for another job and yesterday i got an email saying they would contact me to schedule an interview - and the panic set in. i liked my old job and i was good at it. i used to have confidence in my abilities. i don't any more. now there's just fear. fear of the job interview and fear that i wouldn't be able to do the job if i got it.

then i saw this on a devotional this morning. ...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

i know that. and i trust in that. and i'm thankful that God always sends me little reminders just when i need to hear them. He is so amazing.

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