Sunday, August 27, 2006

the list goes on and on

God, I want to take time to remember all the things You have done for me through the years. Oh, there are so many things. You have carried me through dark valleys of the shadow of death. You have rejoiced with me on the mountaintops. You have held my hand and helped me take a leap into unknown waters. You have applied healing balm to my hurts and warm sunshine on my soul. You have given me precious friends who have stood the test of time...and more. You have given me a loving family to grow with and be with. You have increased my territory spiritually and physically. You have picked me up when I have stumbled and nearly hit the ground. You have provided for me when I did not know where my provisions would come from. You have surrounded me with prayers and support of the family of God in time of need. You have shown me miracles and blessed my soul. You have given me desires of my heart--desires that were in line with Your will and Word. You have given me the privilege of helping advance Your kingdom through the gifts, talents, and resources You have entrusted to me. You have always patiently been there for me. You have felt my cries, laughed at my silliness, and gently guided me back onto the right paths. You have loved me with an everlasting love. I could go on and on. God I am thankful for You and all You've done and all You will do in my life. I love You and appreciate You and want to shout "how great is my God!" With loving thanks, in Jesus' name, amen. (tgif)

i give thanks when i think of all God has done in my life and like this prayer - i could go on and on.

it's not when i 'nearly hit the ground' - i fell head first and hit the ground hard and He was there to pick me up.

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