Tuesday, January 16, 2007

what a whiner!!!

ever since complaining about my hospital stay i've been thinking - what a whiner! that we have free medical care is more than most of the world's population.

i read the drug information on the pain rx they gave me and it says take with food. in the hospital they gave me the drug but didn't give me any food to take with it. and i thought how millions go without food daily. and i thought of millions of victims of war and disease who are suffering without any pain medication. i thought of kids stepping on land mines and getting their legs blown off, or worse, and having no medical attention at all.

i thought of others and i felt petty. we are a society of self-absorbed whiners.

we eat too much, we over-indulge ourselves, we buy the latest fashions, we buy all the latest toys, we are so not living the way Jesus wants us to. we are a spoiled, self-indulgent society expecting that the world owes us everything.

the rich ruler wanted eternal life, Jesus told him to sell everything & give to the poor and follow Him. he couldn't follow Jesus because he wanted everything he had, he wasn't willing to give it up. are you truly following Jesus or are you hoarding your money?

are you so concerned about your own needs, totally forgetting about the greater needs of others?

when Jesus returns will He say to you come in with Him or depart from Him? will He spit you out because your love for Him is only lukewarm?

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

are you living for Him? or are you living for yourself? do you live to please Him? or are you living to please yourself?

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