Friday, September 24, 2004

falling into the arms of God...

i got quite stoned today... on nitrous oxide at the dentist's office. when i was a kid my dentist ripped away part of my jaw bone as he was pulling a tooth so i am not comfortable going to the dentist.

as i was laying in the chair i was drifting into space and i started thinking of God... how if only my soul would let go of this body could i then just drift into the arms of God... it was like He was waiting... i could feel Him... it was very serene and beautiful... as i tried to see Him and couldn't... i realized my soul wasn't ready to depart and i had to struggle back to reality. the beauty of it made me wonder what it will be like when we die, when you take your last breath and wake up to see God... how incredibly amazing it will be... when our physical bodies are no longer needed and we are set free in the spiritual realm.

then i was just left with the gross feeling of a foggy head and nauseous stomache.


James Goudie said...

I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk by Your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face is before me
I can only imagine

this song is one of my favorites to listen to.

MUD said...

I had a friend that had a near death experience. He told of how he went to heaven and saw God even talked to Him. I asked my friend what language God spoke. He replied...English...but with a heavy Jewish accent

Tom King said...


I'm a Christian from the UK - just got to your blog by clicking 'next blog' on the toolbar... it's great to read of your spiritual life!

Thanks for your contribution to the blogging world!

Rick said...

Sister, I'll be praying for God to use you in Costa Rica. I love your blog and the love of Christ you show through eqcgh post.