Wednesday, September 08, 2004

to my dear friend...

i don't know what to tell you except that i love you. i know that might not mean much when you're struggling. last april/may was really hard for me. it was the first time i had depression since becoming a christian.

i don't know how to convince someone of their worth, their beauty, how precious and loved they really are but i do know from experience last year that all the feelings of worthlessness, failure, all the crap i was believing about myself wasn't from God and it wasn't until howard reminded me about taking every thought captive to God that i realized all the crap was from satan and i was believing him. in believing him i was not believing God. wrong!! once i realized that i was believing the father of lies who wants to destroy me instead of my heavenly Father that loves me i started healing. i started believing and trusting God and it's been uphill since then.


Erin said...

I wrote scott that reading his blogs made me feel like I was following footprints in deep snow... to keep walking, that others were following behind.

I'd say the same to you, but there is no snow in Costa Rica, and "footprints in sand" is already rather used.

So I will simply thank you for being a great minister of the Gospel. :) Your friends are blessed by you, I have no doubt!

Susy said...

how about footprints in deep mud

Forgiven said...

the voice of experience except that they're handprints for slipping and falling in.

i don't know about being a great minister of the gospel but i know that God has blessed greatly with an awesome family at new heights, friends that have become my family.

Susy said...

handprints in deep mud eh.... well you'll soon get the hang of how to walk in slippery thick mud while you are about a foot taller becasue that is how much mud you are carrying on the bottoms of your sandles...
and yea that cool dark tan you think you got will wear off in the shower

Forgiven said...

i'm thinking gumboots might not be so bad, not very attractive but neither is a face full of mud.

Forgiven said...
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