Friday, February 18, 2005


i walked home one day behind a woman carrying a big sack of rice on her head (8 kms in the hot sun). as i watched her walk i thought how graceful she looked and thought about a model that was vying for the title of miss costa rica. the contestant for miss cr actually crossed her feet over about 5 inches as she walked. the boys were all laughing as she forcefully made her way down the runway. there was nothing graceful about it. she was a bone rack and all her beauty was artificial and painted on. the woman with the sack of rice on her head had a natural beauty and grace about her.

i can't imagine living a life where there is such an abundance of food yet you starve yourself to 'look beautiful'. and the rest of us buy into it.


Erin said...

Or worse yet... living in a country with an abundance of food, and instead of choosing to eat fresh, life-giving food... eating chemical-laden crap.

I am so guilty of that... stuffing my body, but starving myself of nutrition.

It's friggin nuts!

Forgiven said...


try chocolate covered almonds. seriously they are really good for you. the almonds are really healthy and you get the benefit of enjoying chocolate. and i agree with whoever says that chocolate is good for you.

when i was working my diet consisted of chocolate covered almonds (it was one of our cr team fundraisers and i was it's biggest supporter)for breakfast and/or lunch and popcorn for dinner.

last year i had a battery of tests done cuz my sister struggles with weight, high blood pressure, high cholestrol and she thought i might have some of the same. i have an athlete's heart, very low bp, and cholestrol so low it's not even on the scale.