Tuesday, February 01, 2005

pointing fingers

remember when you are pointing fingers at others there are 4 more pointing back at you. something scott said.

as i have been getting frustrated here i have been pointing fingers at others. their lives, their joy has not changed, but mine has. the more i pointed fingers the more distant i became from God. i knew He was there, He is always there, but i had lost my joy. my joy is my intimate relationship with my beloved heavenly Father. without that i am nothing.

i came to los chiles for peace and quiet and to hopefully find my joy. as i have been asking God to convict me so that there would be nothing between us i was complaining about others. the more i complained about others the more miserable i became. i was asking God what happened, why was i miserable, why did i feel like He was distant. He was telling me but i wasn't listening.

i listened last night. and He has restored my joy. and i am alive again.

when you are complaining about others, for whatever reason, you are not justified. it doesn't matter what it is you think they did or didn't do. only God has the right to judge others.

are you complaining about the church, the leaders, anyone else? who gives you the right to complain about anyone? if they have sinned the Holy Spirit will convict them and God will judge them. whether they have sinned or not who are you to throw stones. instead of condemning someone, anyone, love them, support them, encourage them.

Jesus came to do the work of His Father. people were either for Him or against Him. those that were against Him were against God Who sent Him. our pastors are doing the work of our Father and as such they will judged more so than you or i.

lost your joy? what is the Holy Spirit convicting you of that you aren't listening to? didn't murder anyone? or did you? with a harsh angry word?

never had joy? it's the result of having an awesome intimate relationship with your Creator. there is absolutely nothing like it in this world.

thank you Father for not giving up on me and convicting me until i listened. and thank you for restoring my joy.

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