Monday, June 27, 2005


i bought my own last week. if anyone would've told me that i would be using a machete, never mind buying my own, i would've told them that they were crazy.

recently patricio cut down a tree in the back yard. with a machete. a couple days last week i cut all the branches off. with a machete. a dull one at that. but it's all in the way you use it. it won't cut a banana leaf but it sure goes through a tree branch. i was finished everything else and was bored. it was a good workout and felt good to be able to do it. it just seemed so weird to be doing it. with the different things i've done in my life limbing a tree with a machete was never one i had envisioned before.

i'm definitely having some very cool experiences here.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Did you buy a sharpening stone too? Much easier to use when they're sharp.

ps. Happy Canada Day :)