Friday, August 19, 2005


dany and jonny grad this year and they are putting on a dance on saturday to raise money for their class to go to the beach for 3 days. i love to dance and can dance all night. i told dany i wanted to go and he said it wasn't a christian dance. i said that didn't matter cuz i wouldn't understand the words anyway. he asked me not to dance if i go because christians don't dance. what? of course they do. 2 sam 6.14 rejoicing 'king david danced before the Lord with all of his might' he said he knew that but here they don't then here they should. i have seen them dancing in the church in santa cecilia. i asked xinia to go wtih me, if so i will go, otherwise no cuz it's a long walk home. other people in canada were shocked when i said i danced. like christians shouldn't dance? i don't understand at all why anyone would think we shouldn't.

but then i had second thoughts. i seem to be a drunk magnet so maybe it's not a good idea.

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