Wednesday, October 19, 2005

God Has a Reason

copied from the purpose driven life daily devotional

Our reflection today comes from an eleven-year-old who wrote the following poem after hurricane Katrina struck the gulf coast. Keep in mind this is a child tackling a very big problem. I'm not sure any of us could do any better. Besides, faith comes easier for children than it does for us, which I'm sure has something to do with Jesus mentioning that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them (Matthew 19:14).

God Has a Reason
by Ryan MacDonald, Age 11

In times of sadness and cruelty,
God has a reason.
When the most horrid disaster dwells upon the land,
God has a reason.
The things that one would think would tear us apart,
Pull us into a brotherhood with God.

A shadow has fallen upon this nation
Only to be reshaped by love and hope.
Hearts have been broken from this storm,
And yet -- like a rose --
The thorn is sharp, but the velvet red petals are magnificent.

When this black hood of sorrow is lifted from our heads,
We will have learned.
We will have been changed by the Lord to love one another,
To help each other at any cost,
Whether the cost is life or death.

Blood has been shed.
Tears have dripped.
Now it's your turn to make a difference.
God has a reason.

So Ryan set out to make his own difference as best he could. He set up a brownie and lemonade stand. In spite of the questionable wisdom of this odd taste combination, he raised $274 for relief. That doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a lot for an eleven-year-old and I bet God turned it into gold.

So how about it? Ryan says it's our turn. My guess is that what's happening now in this desperate region is a little like what happens when someone suddenly loses a loved one. There is an initial outpouring of love and support, but soon after the funeral, everyone goes back to their normal lives and the loss is even greater because, for that loved one who remains, there will not be a normal to return to. It's that “second wave” of loss that usually comes later and is even harder to bear because everyone else has gone on. Indeed, these people must forge a new “normal,” and it will take time.

Not to mention the rising death and homeless toll in Pakistan where disaster has started all over again. The world is a hurting place right now, and believers all over can and will make a difference. Perhaps this is one way we can be a part of God's reason.

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