Monday, October 03, 2005

sin and forgiveness

you had a broken heart, now you don't.

so i should shoot you??? who are our worst critics? those who can't empathize with us? those who are so happily married or have had perfectly happy lives that they don't understand, have never felt the pain and loneliness of a broken heart?

so when we try to mend our broken lives and screw up in the process or don't do it according to what's expected of us we should be ostracized?

there is a family in los chiles where the father has been committing incest with his adult daughter for 4 years. she was afraid to report him to the authorities. until he threatened to kill her child.

once he knew he had been reported he escaped to nicaragua and hasn't been seen or heard from since.

at the time my friend told me about it scripture came to mind to cast him out of the church. and then i thought of the forgiveness of Jesus. i was reminded that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. we need to repent and ask for forgiveness from Him. and make amends to those we have hurt. we do not need to confess our sins to the rest of the world.

no one could think worse of me than myself when i sin because i know it breaks the heart of God. and that breaks my heart. i don't need a bunch of pious, self-righteous critics to remind me i screwed up. i need their mercy, their compassion, their forgiveness and their love.

i know who you are and i know what you did. and i love you anyway.

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