Thursday, June 14, 2007

how can we help?

As horrible as some of these articles were to read, it is important that we make ourselves aware of what is going on around us. But that is only one part of the equation. Information/statistics are not meant to shock us into inaction but to awaken a passion in us to take action.Something I always remind myself, is "there but for the grace of God go I". I then challenge myself, what would I hope and pray for individuals to respond to these issues if they were my children or children known and loved by me enduring these daily realities.Each of us has the power within us to bring about change. Further I believe each of us has a responsibility to be a voice for a fellow human being who is through no fault of their own or choice of their own in a situation beyond their making. It has been said many times that we can be a voice for those without a voice. Let's be that voice, together, today.

1) Tell someone else about what is happening around the world.

2) Write your MP to find out what Canada's response is to these situations (especially in light of the recent G8 meetings).

3) Encourage someone to take action - by either sponsoring a child today, telling someone else, volunteering their time, writing a letter or making a donation to projects working to effect change. May God continue to bless your efforts and motivate and energize you to be a beacon of light in the darkness.

this was written by someone i know at world vision. she has shared these and other stories as part of the Poverty and Girl Child Campaign to raise awareness for the need to 'be a voice for the voiceless' to promote the need for child sponsorship.

how many children could be sponsored with the money we would save if we gave up buying 1 cup of coffee a day, or buying the latest fashions, or the newest cd's, videos, toys and gimmicks.

there but for the grace of God go i, or you, or your sister, mother, wife, or daughter.

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