Thursday, June 14, 2007


WAR - Definition War is the waging of armed conflict against an enemy.
The primary victims of today's wars are civilian women and their children, not soldiers.

Rape has been widely used as a weapon of war. Women have been deliberately infected with HIV and AIDS or raped while pregnant. They have been used as means to undermine, disgrace and threaten the perceived enemy.

Thousands of girls in Uganda have been abducted to serve as soldiers, domestic servants and sexual slaves. In Angola, up to 30,000 girls were abducted by armed forces during its civil war. Girls are often obliged to be sex slaves or "soldiers wives".

Torture of women frequently includes sexual violence with a view to humiliating and degrading the victim. Additional consequences are STD's, forced abortion, or sterilization.

PRAY - God sent his son to be the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 That the kingdom of God would be established in peace and that it would protect those most vulnerable.

For Christian diplomats to be Peacemakers.
For Counsellors to help process the grief and hatred.

ACT - Study one hot spot of war and pray into this region.

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