Sunday, December 09, 2007

100 years old & hit by a truck

i feel like i'm a hundred years old and i've been hit by a truck. wanting relief from pain and stiffness in my hands i started drinking xango. i had no idea it would do anything for the cancer. i heard stories from people saying they'd been healed of cancer but until i stopped taking it on the 29th i had no idea what the difference was. i wasn't expecting it to do anything for the cancer. man was i wrong.

my cancer is in my lymph nodes which are all throughout the body. some i can actually see that they are swollen. but the pain is everywhere because the nodes are everywhere. it goes through my core front to back, it's in my armpits and going down my left arm and it's in my groin. the rest of my body just aches everywhere with occasional stabs of pain. i have no energy at all and the least effort exhausts me. and of course the pain and stiffness is back in my hands.

but.... relief is in sight. i remember feeling this way before i went on xango and now that i know that xango will take the pain away and restore my energy i am so looking forward to the 17th when after i see my gp and have tests i'll be back on it.

when someone asks me how i'm doing i say i'm fine. i figure no one wants to hear about my aches and pain. now i know that xango is making a difference so when i am back on it i can truthfully say i am fine.

after this i don't ever plan on being without xango again. i thought of what a wuss i would be at the end stages of the disease but if i keep drinking xango maybe i'll never get to the end stages.

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