Sunday, December 02, 2007


I read something that says we all have cancer cells in our body so it's just a matter of time before everyone of us gets it. And hearing daily of someone else being diagnosed with cancer I'm believing it.

I stopped Xango 3 days ago to see if it makes any difference in how I feel from the cancer and my lymph nodes that had hurt before Xango, that didn't hurt on Xango, are now hurting again. I saw my doctor on Thursday and he said he wants to do a head to toe physical on the 17th so I wanted to not be on Xango and see what my blood levels and everything says and then when I see the oncologist on Jan 10th compare my blood levels again.

I talk to friends who are all coming down with colds or flu and I'm not sure I want to have either so I can prove a point to the doctor except that I do want to prove the point to the doctor.

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