Thursday, December 13, 2007

xango - it's a food product not a drug

xango - it's a food product. people have asked about it and said they want to ask their doctors about it to see whether it's ok if they take it together with the meds they are taking.

i wonder - do they take their orange or apple juice to the doctors to ask if it's ok to take them with their meds? what do they think mangosteen is?

absolutely i agree - people should check with their doctors when they're prescribed drugs to make sure there are no contraindications. you definitely want to make sure that the drugs your doctor has prescribed for you last year are what you should still be taking this year, and that they won't cause any problems with the new prescription he wants to give you.

i'm amazed at the number of stories i've heard lately from people that have gone to their doctors for whatever and the doctor's are saying 'oh are you still taking that medicine?' like they don't know. every one has said their doctor has taken them off the old drug. they have so many people going through their doors they don't remember who you are or what they've prescribed for you.

doctors and pharmacists have to know their drugs to know to warn about this or that. you have to read the warning labels on everything to make sure you can take cough syrup with aspirin and to know how much to give what age group.

oranges - just eat 'em. apple juice - just drink it. it's food - it's good for you.

doctors will even tell you it's good to eat fruit. fruit is good for you. you know - an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

well in this case it's mangosteen fruit - it's food - it's good for you. it's a fruit - fruit is good for you. and a lot of people are finding a couple of ounces of mangosteen juice a day is keeping the doctor away.

i have to remember to ask people when they say they want to ask their doctor if it's ok to drink xango if they also ask if it's ok to drink apple and orange juice.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Actually Teri, it's a good idea for them to check with their doctor first. There are a lot of meds which react badly with certain foods... one of the worst culprits is grapefruit. So it's best to be wise in this.