Thursday, December 06, 2007

xango and non-hodgkins lymphoma

i stopped drinking xango a week ago to prove a point to my gp. i had no idea i would notice such a difference myself considering i only started drinking it for the pain and stiffness in my hands.

i hurt. for the past several days i've noticed that the lymph nodes in my groin and armpits are painful, my hands hurt and are stiff again. i'm determined to see what the difference would be in my blood work from almost 3 weeks without xango when my gp checks me out to being back on xango for 3 weeks and being re-tested by the oncologist. i can tell him how i feel but if he can see the facts for himself how can he deny them.

most people are skeptics and need proof before they believe in something. thinking of Jesus just now and even then people didn't believe when the truth was right in front of them.

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