Saturday, September 10, 2005

God's sense of humour

was feeling kinda bummed this am and decided i needed to get out of the house today. as i was walking to the highway i told God that if He was going to use me today He was going to have to do all the work cuz i just couldn't. i had walked a couple of kms talking to Him all the way and a car stopped to give me a ride. i don't usually get a ride unless i need one and as i had been enjoying talking to God i didn't think i needed one but got in anyway.

i got another marriage proposal from a guy i'd never met before. he was 23 and even when i told him my age he said age wasn't important, only love is important. that may be true but i told him he was too young. he reiterated only love was important, not age and i reminded him that i didn't even know him. so then i told him i was returning to canada in a few months and he said he would come with me. it was quite funny actually and we were both laughing. i told him if God wanted me to be married He would bring me a christian husband. he said he was a christian. then he asked if i wanted a canadian or a costa rican husband. i told him that wasn't important. then he asked me if i would marry a nica and i said yes if he was from God. a nica? his expression was like you gotta be kidding.

i went on to tell juan that it doesn't matter what nationality anyone is as we are all God's children and He loves each and everyone one of us the same.

for as much as i had thought God had a sense of humour, bringing me out of myself, i later thought He had been using me as i had told Him He would have to. so maybe i hadn't needed a ride but maybe juan needed to hear that we all are equal in the eyes of God.

1 comment:

Erin said...

And maybe you needed another marriage proposal :)

Come on, girl... give up your secret. Wait, I know what it is-- you smell like Jesus.