Monday, September 26, 2005

lies, deceit, immorality

ooh it sounds like the makings of a weekly tv series.

we all watch them. we lap them up like a sponge. the difference between christians and non-christians though is if this is how our lives are actually playing out the non-christians don't say anything cuz they don't give a --it. we christians however, are the first to criticize, judge, condemn.

i don't know about you but i am crushed in spirit when i have sinned and only when God has forgiven me is my spirit lifted.

if you know how you feel when God forgives you, when God has delivered you from the burden of guilt, how can you possibly condemn another brother in Christ.

we sinned yesterday, we sinned today and we will sin again tomorrow. God loves us and forgives us. He does not want us to be burdened with our guilt. that in itself is a sin. it's like saying we don't trust or believe that God has forgiven us.

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