Monday, September 12, 2005

pouring ourselves out for God

read this in my utmost the other day. what does it mean to pour ourselves out for God? how do we do this? some days i think what i'm doing that day is pleasing to God. other days, like a few days lately, i just have to tell Him i can't do it, i just don't have it in me. and He seems to work with that, even when i can't make sense of it, He seems able to.


Anonymous said...

His understanding is complete. He knows we're made of dust, the purpose He created us for and how to work it out. One of the greatest blessings is that we can look to Jesus to work it out in, for and through us. His will, His way, His time for His glory. Keep being honest with Him, Teri, and He will make up for the lack and give you what you need. Love you. Praying for you.

brandermcdonald said...

i remember how Paul said that he is being poured out for God... also the OT had a ceremony that was called a drink offering... also how Jesus blodd was poured out for us... He wants us to join in His offering by dying to self... this is a great post... it sure is challenging to say the least... blessings and thanks for the challenge...

brandermcdonald said...
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