Thursday, September 22, 2005

His presence

the following is taken from erin's blog and it is a perfect way to describe my day of soaring. maybe the scenery wasn't as incredibly beautiful as i saw it through my eyes. maybe it was just coloured with His presence. whispering in the wind. bubbling in the stream. greener greens. His invisible presence walking with me, touching my heart

But the most stunning thing of beauty was simply His presence. You know, sometimes when you're around someone you love, you're aware of their presence... but it's like they're sort of there but not. And then there's other times, when you FEEL their presence, when it is as if their gaze or their words or their being actually touches you. Actually brushes your skin. It was sort of like that.

And it was Beautiful.

thanks erin for helping me to describe the stunning beauty of my day.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I think you did a fine job of it all on your own :)

But how lovely to know that He has time and love enough for each of us!!!

Your story of soaring totally humbled me...