Thursday, September 22, 2005

perceptions and lies

i was hurt by what i perceived to be a lie by someone i love. believing what i thought to be the truth i wondered how i could ever trust that person again. as i wondered how it would affect our relationship i thought of how much i love that person and how i did not want it to affect our relationship.

i was SO wrong. it wasn't that anyone told me anything, i thought i actually saw something happen and then was told something different than what i thought i had seen. what i perceived as the truth God revealed to me as a lie. when He opened my eyes (almost literally) i could hardly believe i was so easily led into believing the lie. i wonder how many of us do the same.

remember Jesus Christ is the Truth. satan is the enemy who would deceive us and have us believe the lies and cause division. broken hearts, broken relationships / friendships.

someone very dear to me told me today that they have experienced broken relationships/friendships from what i believe must be others lies. i couldn't believe it. are we so easily led astray by the enemy that we are willing to believe everything we hear. especially christians. are we not taking every thought captive to God. do you not question anything or do you just accept that it must be the truth.

we are just dumb sheep. but could we not at least question what we hear. even what we think we see. could we not talk to God about it.

as God revealed the truth to me i was so relieved. i could hardly believe that i had so willingly believed the enemies lies. i was putting more faith in the enemies lies than in the person i love.

how many of us have done the same thing with other people in our lives.

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