Wednesday, November 10, 2004

2 cor 8.14

'at the present time your plenty will supply what they need so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need.'

i have wondered frequently why i am here. susan had asked me to send blurbs home so she could let the rest of the church know what i was doing. i'm not doing anything. what can i say.

in july when i decided to quit my job and come here for a year i was all gung ho to 'help'. at what i didn't know but i wanted to 'do something'.

when i came i came with enough money to last a few months but have spent most of it in the first month.

i have struggled with the fact that i'm not doing anything. and i have struggled with the issue of money. i have been told to set a budget and stick to it. i have been told they'll take advantage of me and i have wondered about it myself. i have been told that giving them money and paying the bills is not helping them in the long run but rather harming them.

i have been praying a lot about these two things. i have been reading my bible trying to find the answer. i've been torn between what the bible says and what people are telling me. as i considered the advice i was given last week i thought of the bible. it's God Word, it's the Truth, it's God's guide for how He wants us to live our lives. i have read lots on giving and don't recall ever reading anything in the bible that says when to stop giving. when or where to draw the line.

this am i wondered again why i'm here. i felt i was getting more than i was giving and thought how wrong it was. then i realized the blessed gift i've been given. i have been given a family to love and care for for a year. i'm being a mom and a housewife, minus the husband, and it's keeping me very busy and i'm loving it.

never doubt that God will give you what you need when you need it. 'at the present time your plenty will supply what they need so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need.'

God answered both my prayers at once...

there's no such thing as coincidence. God is in control and He will direct your steps. and He did... to 2 cor 8.14. i wasn't looking for it. i wanted to see what chico was reading, 2 cor 5.7. we live by faith, not by sight and as i flipped the pages 8.14 caught my eye.

God is so awesome. His love is more amazing than mere words can express.

if God isn't your first love you are missing out. if you love your husband, your wife or your children more than God you are missing out... on the most beautiful, precious, amazing, awesome, wonderful, incredible love. i can't describe the joy. it cannot be expressed in words. such a perfect love, complete unequalled by any other.

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