Saturday, November 06, 2004

love, marriage, commitment, forgiveness

what is it about love that is so hard to figure out. why do we make a commitment to love, honour and cherish another human being til death do us part and then pack it in in a year or 2 or 10. i could've cried when i heard of another family breakdown. it made me angry and i wanted to scream and shout. why is it that we will work forever in the same job but when we have to work on our marriages we quit. a marriage takes 3 to make it work. our first love is God, our 2nd love is our spouse. once that is established our priorities are set. after God no one and nothing is more important than our spouse, not our chilren, not our friends, not our jobs. that's who we made the commitment to, to put them first in our lives before all else and all others. what part of forever do we not understand. what was once upon a time they lived happily ever after 100 years ago has become once upon a time they lived happily til they quit working on it and said to hell with it. how many times have we been told to forgive others as Christ has forgiven us. i hate divorce - it's killing our families. so many broken homes, broken hearts, broken dreams. if you think i have it all figured out you're wrong. all i know is i would rather remain single for the rest of my life than break the heart of the man i love.


Anonymous said...

maybe you don't know the whole story teri, maybe a whole lot goes on behind closed doors that no one else knows about. Maybe we stay as long as we do because of the guilt heaped on us from the church., inspite of abuse, and anger and home isn't a safe place. but it's 'right thing to do'. And yet everyone on the outside will judge.

Susan Kirchmayer said...

teri has valid points. we are so quick to use justify our reasons for terminating a marriage. to dig in our heals and refuse to work towards reconciliation because of past behaviour. thankfully God does not do that with us because based on all our past behaviours he would have divorced us long ago. commitment, forgiveness, unconditional love.

Scott said...

ugly reality, though the solutions always seem apparent from the outside. having been on the inside of many splits, it's a whole different world. we need to be careful we don't inflict our agenda on lives without the internal scoop, an understanding of the biblical response, and an empathy for pain. good thots everyone

Forgiven said...

you're right. i don't know any of the stories of the people i'm thinking about. but my heart aches for their pain. i know - i've quit twice. i stayed in an abusive marriage for 4 1-2 years because i was afraid i couldn't make it on my own and the fact that he said he would kill me if i left. it just seems that the enemy is winning the war as it relates to love and marriage.