Thursday, November 18, 2004

vision mundial (world vision)

yesterday i went to vm again and took jose with me as a translator. it's been on my heart to do something and although i have no idea what i have been thinking about the women's programs. i have seen them at work when i was here in february and thought maybe i could help in los chiles. also depending what the programs were it would be something i could share with the women in amparo. i know i can't speak the language but i think i can communicate enough to tell them how much God loves them and what an awesome new life they can have in Christ. is this why i'm here? if jill and cheryl touched my heart in mission can i in turn touch someone else's heart. can i show them Christ's love and help them to understand they don't have to live the same way and how they can change their life. Father if this is according to Your will (and i'm feeling that it is) i know You will unconfuse the language for me and Your Spirit will use me to speak Your truth to the women's group.

besides the fact that this is on my heart, i never get up and out the door this early to get the bus as i did today. other than vm is in their office on fridays and i had arranged to meet with them yesterday, you never see them. because i left the house so early today i didn't even have coffee or anything to eat (that's not like me) so i decided to have coffee at the bus station when i arrived. who should appear but the same vm guy i (jose) talked to yesterday. in my limited spanish i asked him when the women's group got together and he told me. i was so happy. more ''coincidences'' - no such thing.

whatever it is these women need to hear - obviously about Jesus, maybe i've had similar experiences that i can relate and show how God has changed my life and He can change theirs.


Susy said...

i'm kind of noticing a theme of the poor in costa rica, the racism in costa rica... what if you did something like a sandwich giveaway down there for the extreme poverty group...
just a thot

Forgiven said...

jose said he had something like that before. i don't know what happened to it. i will talk with the new pastor today about it. although they appear to me to be the same the costa ricans don't like the nicaraguans.