Saturday, November 06, 2004

antz and other critters

are not sweet, cute little things as depicted in the movies. they are evil, vicious, voracious little beasties that are out for blood. i've resorted to pouring boiling water on their hills.

cockroaches climb up the inside of my netting to get on my bed.

one day while laying on my bed i had an itch on the side of my leg and when i went to scratch it a frog jumped out of my shorts. it had somehow, unbeknownst to me crawled up the side of my shorts as i was laying down. it hopped across the bed and i can say i was very thankful it was a frog and not a spider. my skin crawls at the thought.

i am trying to live and let live but when i went to take my underwear off the line inside the house there was a huge freaking spider on one of them. i screamed of course. jose knocked it away but i couldn't get the rest of my underwear off the line cuz i didn't know where the spider had gone.

1 comment:

Susy said...

i used to tuck the nettin gin under the foam on the bed