Thursday, November 04, 2004

home is where the heart is

i had a new house in canada. i filled it with plants, i mean a lot of plants, except for my computer all the rooms i lived in faced the sun. it was nice and it suited me. but i never wanted to spend a lot of time there. it was just a house. now i have no indoor plants but i'm surrounded by beauty outside. mango, banana, tamarindo, orange, lime, apple, guanabana, plantain, papaya and avocado trees abound as well as pineapple, sugar cane and something else i can't remember. i can sweep the floor and the dirt will fall through the holes in the floor to the ground below. there's no glass in the house, the walls and the windows are unfinished boards. the walls are about 1 1-2' short of the roof so the light filters in through the spaces between the boards and the holes and the large gap between the walls and the roof. i don't need to open a window or door to see people come and go i just look through the gaps or holes, there's rats, there's sci-fi sized cockroaches and spiders, i sleep under a mosquito net at night so as hopefully not to get eaten alive by mosquitoes that will give me malaria or dengue fever. i could tell you about the bathroom but don't want to gross out those of you with weak stomachs. i keep my clothes in a suitcase under my bed.

but this is home. and i love it here.

it's an 8 km walk under a blistering sun or a tropical monsoon just to get to where you can get a bus to go anywhere. at home i'd drive 1 k to the store.

i was content in mission and i am content here because God was with me there and He is with me here. wherever i am I AM is.

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